Online Guitar Lessons For Busy People
So there might be a possibility you’re not sure if 1-1 lessons aren’t for you! Or you worry that you don’t have enough time to commit to weekly lessons that last between 30-60 minutes a week. Well that’s why I created “The Busy Musician!”
A website dedicated to teach you how to learn guitar when you’re time sensitive!
Not Convinced Yet?

Why The Busy Musician?
There’s a great need in the guitar lesson world for simplicity. For lessons that are less about the personality and more about the learning. The stuff I’m creating is based upon improving your skills and getting things to stick, without the crap!

Because Musicians Are Everyone!
Not all musicians are about to dedicate 20+ hours a day to practice they have children or family or other commitments. They’re not always a 20-something with only a girlfriend to deal with! They are adults who have responsibilities!
But they still want to improve!
The Power of Practice For All
I’ve spent the last year trying to figure out, how I can still better myself on my instrument, whilst still being a good father and “adulting” right! I discovered Gregg Goodhart and I went through the very basics in his practiclass where he explores Deep Practice and learning how to learn. I realized that was the secret for me to be able to develop and improve my skills whilst also teaching my students, being a good father and most importantly being a good husband!
So I went and researched and read a ton! I experimented with many different methods, and I’m still experimenting even now. I then took what I’ve learned and adapted them into exercises for my students, helping them learn how to:
- Change between chords quickly
- Learn how to play songs, and really get it under their fingers!
- Increasing confidence in all my students as they finally realize that actually it’s not their fault they haven’t finished learning this easy song, because actually it’s not easy! It takes time.
I’m still developing and creating new content to help people practice the guitar, and improve their skills quickly.
These aren’t “hacks” that’ll only work temporarily – the exercises I’m sharing and teaching are based around techniques that have been around for a while, yet no one uses them!
The Myth of Learning
If it’s so easy…why haven’t I heard of it?
Because it requires commitment – it can be frustrating, and a little annoying it’s also breaking down old myths on learning! It also never feels like practice! That’s the thing, it undoes everything you ever thought was learning!
- Think Differently – It’s the most strangest thing when you first start practicing this way, you’ll feel like you’re not learning a thing. You’ll feel like you’re just bouncing around learning absolutely nothing, and getting nowhere!
- Small Steps, Big Effort – Don’t mistaken “quick” for easy. In fact the entire point of Deep Practice is adding more difficulty so that instead of aiming lower than you’ve currently achieved. It requires you to aim higher! The moment you think you’ve got it…You make sure you make it so you don’t get it!
- Delayed Rewards – You don’t get a reward straight away, sometimes you can feel the progress other days you don’t! It’s all “part of the journey” (uh…huh…I’m that kinda guy.)

I'm Ready!
If none of this has put you off (yes that was the point) then I’m excited to help you!